Title: Seriously...I'm Kidding Author: Ellen Degeneres Category: Humor Publisher: Grand Central Publishing (Hachette Book Group) Copyright: June 2011 Formats: paperback, hardcover, electronic, audio Rating: 7 Seriously...I'm Kidding is the latest book by the much loved stand-up comedian and talk show host, Ellen Degeneres. This book is a collection of random thoughts and ideas and it includes stories both from everyday life and from the life of a celebrity. There are a lot of really quotable lines in it about success, beauty, marriage, manners , politiness, and some even about gift-giving. The author also keeps giving advice to the readers on all these issues. It seems she has become both a great comedian and a fine motivational speaker. However, at places I felt that the text was far too simplistic for my liking . I suppose this is because the book was written for a talk show audience. English-learners might find this a great advantage. This book is reco...
The blog of writer and reviewer Ilona Hegedus