Transfer (2010) is an exciting, romantic and thought-provoking German sci-fi drama , directed by Damir Lukacevic . The story reminds you of Freejack at the beginning, but it is different in many ways. In this story, t he mysterious Menzana Corporation offers the possibility for old rich people to transfer their personalities into the bodies of young and beautiful Africans who need the money to support their families and who accept that they can only use their own bodies for four hours each night . A German couple in their 70s, Anna and Hermann , have doubts about the procedure at first, but after Anna becomes terminally ill, they end up taking this path. The young Africans whose bodies they get, Apolain and Sarah, both accept their fate at the beginning, but the first pregnancy gradually changes the situation and both couples want the baby for themselves. In addition to this, Anna starts to suffer from the feeling of guilt for ruining these young people's lives. The acting is gr...
The blog of writer and reviewer Ilona Hegedus