Title: Cinderella's Secret Diary (Book 1: Lost)
Author: Ron Vitale
Genre(s) / Subgenre(s): speculative fiction / dark fantasy/ YA
Copyright: August, 2011
Formats: ebook (Kindle Edition), Paperback
Ron Vitale's novel about Cinderella is a young adult gothic version of the well-known fairy-tale.
At the beginning of the story the main character is a typical naive young girl, to such an extent that she is also a bit irritating at times, but soon she has to learn a bit more about life. Her marriage with the prince is not a very good one, and the queen is a frightening mother-in-law. The kingdom, which turns out to be England during the Napoleonic wars, is in great danger. Cinderella has lessons to learn about people, politics and love, while dark forces are also at work. As she gradually becomes a stronger, more mature and a much more independent woman, the story is also becoming darker and darker.
This is a novel about growing up, and also about magic, adventures, witchcraft and family conflicts.
The book comes with a beautiful cover image which is the work of Jennifer Whitelock, and the novel is the first part of a series.
By mixing the elements of fairy tales, dark fantasy and chick lit, Ron Vitale created a very entertaining book.
The author's website
reviews at Amazon
Author: Ron Vitale
Genre(s) / Subgenre(s): speculative fiction / dark fantasy/ YA
Copyright: August, 2011
Formats: ebook (Kindle Edition), Paperback
Ron Vitale's novel about Cinderella is a young adult gothic version of the well-known fairy-tale.
At the beginning of the story the main character is a typical naive young girl, to such an extent that she is also a bit irritating at times, but soon she has to learn a bit more about life. Her marriage with the prince is not a very good one, and the queen is a frightening mother-in-law. The kingdom, which turns out to be England during the Napoleonic wars, is in great danger. Cinderella has lessons to learn about people, politics and love, while dark forces are also at work. As she gradually becomes a stronger, more mature and a much more independent woman, the story is also becoming darker and darker.
This is a novel about growing up, and also about magic, adventures, witchcraft and family conflicts.
The book comes with a beautiful cover image which is the work of Jennifer Whitelock, and the novel is the first part of a series.
By mixing the elements of fairy tales, dark fantasy and chick lit, Ron Vitale created a very entertaining book.
The author's website
reviews at Amazon